Tuesday, May 30, 2006

New Cool TV Station on Comcast


Hey everyone, I woke up this morning and there was a message on my comcast digital
box. I clicked on it and discovered a new TV station. It is called "Viewer Created Content".
Or "V" "C" squared. Podcasting has hit the Television. We now have our own TV
station. I've been looking around the website and they do have a place to upload your
own Viewer Created Content. If you see news in your area, grab your video recorder and
shoot it. You have a story to tell. Tell it.

I have been watching this new TV Station all morning and it has been cool. I'm watching as I
write this the story of a guy who makes weird sounds and beats with their mouths. It's cool.
Earlier I watched the truth of what they're doing in Iraq. The main mission is training the
Iragi troops (it hasn't been easy). This video was created by one of the solders. There were
also videos (by solders) of life in Iraq.

I also saw some funny videos from your everyday person. They even had independant
singer/songwriters, bands. And you can actually vote on the content.

They do have regular commercials, even though if they had Viewer Created Commercials,
well that would be awesome.

Go check out the site,


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