Monday, May 26, 2014

Electronic Books

Electronic Books
By Robert G Parent

I sit on my bed, no light is on except the one that is back lit from my little smart phone with the Kindle app.  I moved into that timeless space, furthering my knowledge with the book that I was reading, at that timeless moment.  I love my Kindle app and my whole library in the palm of my hand.  All those electronic books that I have bought, and those I check out as I read a small sample of them.  If these were older books made of paper, I'd be have to carry a heavy book bag on my back or limited to carrying around just one.  I need not weigh my body down with these weights because my library fits in my pocket.

There used to be a time where people romanced about a book made of paper, cardboard, and glue.  I wonder if those people still exist?  Carrying around one book at a time, waiting until they get home or to some building called a library to check out information that they research, did these people of a past time understand the meaning of a good story, of letting their imagination grow.  I think on one level they did because we have had many good stories of the past that we still can enjoy now in electronic, Kindle form.  If those people who romance about the books made of paper still exist, my one question to them is why?

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