Sunday, February 05, 2023

074 Poetic Philosophy -- Remember

074 Poetic Philosophy -- Remember

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There are many today who feel alone. There are those out there who try to separate, Instead of unify. They say one group is different Then another group. They separate us through illusion. We also separate ourselves through illusion. Through beliefs and ideas we have not proven. There is a mind greater. We call the soul. We call God. We are never alone. We have each other. That same mind is in us. We once thought as one, before the Tower of Babel. God didn't separate us. Someone else did. God cannot be separated. It is one. We are one. Each is one piece of God. Jesus understood this and taught us how to Love, how to unify and be one To fix what was broken in Babel. We are never alone. We have each other. Through the power of love We will come to know. We are never alone. We have each other.

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